system architecture

system architecture
архитектура системы
представление системы как совокупности её функциональных компонентов, их организации и взаимосвязей (шин, сигналов, протоколов, интерфейсов и т. д.)

Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. . 1998-2007.

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Смотреть что такое "system architecture" в других словарях:

  • system architecture — sistemos architektūra statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. system architecture vok. Systemarchitektur, f; Systemaufbau, m rus. архитектура системы, f pranc. architecture de système, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • System Architecture Evolution — (aka SAE) is the core network architecture of 3GPP s LTE wireless communication standard. SAE is the evolution of the GPRS Core Network, with some differences: simplified architecture all IP Network (AIPN) support for higher throughput and lower… …   Wikipedia

  • System Architecture Evolution — Архитектура ядра сети SAE SAE (англ. System Architecture Evolution  Эволюция системной архитектуры) это архитектура ядра сети, разработанная консорциумом 3GPP для стандарта беспроводной связи LTE. SAE является эволюционным продолжением… …   Википедия

  • NOAA Observing System Architecture — The NOAA Observing System Architecture (NOSA) is a collection of over 100 of NOAA s environmental datasets. NOSA was established to develop an observational architecture that helps NOAA: design observing systems that support NOAA s mission and… …   Wikipedia

  • Enthusiast System Architecture — (ESA) is an royalty free protocol for two way communication of PC components. Announced in 2007, ESA is used for monitoring temperature of computer hardware components such as the computer case and power supply unit. The latest release of the ESA …   Wikipedia

  • Integrated System Architecture — Integrated System Architecture,   ISA Bus …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Signal Computing System Architecture — Signal Computing System Architecture,   SCSA …   Universal-Lexikon

  • signal computing system architecture —    (SCSA)    An industry standard architecture from Dialogic Corp. SCSA is an open, non proprietary, specification for developing IVR systems that integrates multiple technologies …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Architecture description language — An Architecture Description Language (ADL) is a computer language used to describe software and/or system architectures. This means in case of technical architecture, the architecture must be communicated to software developers. With functional… …   Wikipedia

  • Architecture of Mac OS X — Mac OS X is the culmination of Apple Inc. s decade long search for an operating system to replace the original Mac OS. After the failures of their previous attempts; Pink which started as an Apple project but evolved into a joint venture with IBM …   Wikipedia

  • System Idle Process — Infobox Windows component name = System Idle Process type = Kernel included with = Windows NTIn Windows NT operating systems, the System Idle Process is a kernel thread which runs when no other runnable thread can be scheduled on a CPU. For… …   Wikipedia

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